Cats may be lower-maintenance than dogs, but how much upkeep do they really need?
Cats are wonderful pets, a furry feline companion that can give you delightful company for years. They are complex creatures with fascinating lives and are the subject of many works of literature (T.S. Eliot’s poetry on cats, for example.) A common conception of them is that they are low-maintenance pets, much easier to care for than dogs. While opinions may vary, there are general guidelines on how much maintenance a cat requires.
The Cost of a Cat
When considering adopting a cat, you will need to calculate the short-term and long-term costs. Concerning day-to-day care, you will need to account for expenses for bedding, toys, food, treats, a litter box, and grooming supplies. You will also need a license to own your cat. Add the costs for vaccinations, spaying/neutering, routine heartworm, tick, and flea medication, identification, and annual veterinary check-ups. The upfront cost is well over $100. The annual investment is in the hundreds as well.
Medical Care
Although cats are usually healthful creatures, they can be prone to some maladies as well. Cats can be susceptible to various pests like heartworms, ear mites, fleas, and ticks. All of these cases need prompt medical attention. Do not attempt to treat your cat with medication yourself, as many felines have suffered from improper administration of medicines. Fleas and ticks can not only feed on your cat and cause great discomfort, but they will also infest your house if not handled immediately.
Another illness cats can suffer from is FUS, or Feline Urological Syndrome. This syndrome is a urinary blockage caused by clots or crystals from the cat’s body. It is more likely to happen to male cats. Felines can be pros when it comes to hiding illness of any kind, so if you see any behavior out of the ordinary, contact your vet.
Everyday Care
Every cat is different, so each will present various wants, needs, and levels of interaction. While all cats crave the love and care of their owners and would feel neglect, some cats are content to adventure or hide throughout the day. Others, meanwhile, want to be pet or nap on your lap all day. Cats can be intelligent creatures needing mental stimulation, so you will need to provide some toys to keep your pet occupied besides giving your own attention. You will need to bathe and brush your cat regularly as recommended; with long-haired cats, brushing is daily. No matter how much work and engagement your cat will need, or how little, it is sure to be a rewarding joy for both you and your pet.
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With two Maryland locations in both Baltimore and Pasadena, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131 or 410-793-7670! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest!