Whether cats can overheat or not is a common question. Here’s how to take the best care of your pet!
It’s July, arguably the hottest month of the year! You are likely wondering how high a temperature your outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat can take. While the answer varies from cat to cat, one should exercise caution and care in how much hot weather your cat is exposed to. Can cats overheat in hot weather? Yes; here is more information to equip you and your pet for the summer.
Can Cats Overheat in Hot Weather?
Cats overheat in hot weather depending on the temperature, the humidity, and each feline’s medical health. Concerning temperature, your cat likely feels the heat if you feel it. Humans and cats feel heat and humidity in similar ways. For instance, people typically feel like the weather is hotter when it is more humid. The same goes for your pet cat. Each cat will have different tolerance levels, but if you feel like the heat is overbearing, it probably is for your cat, too. If your cat has a specific medical condition, it may also be harder to bear the heat.
If You Suspect Your Cat Has Heatstroke
Cats do not sweat as people do. When they sweat, it is only through their paw pads and nose. When they groom themselves, the evaporating saliva may operate similarly to human sweat, but not as efficiently. Cats will also seek out shade and slow down their movements to accommodate the weather.
Even so, signs of feline heatstroke include:
- Panting
- Red gums or tongue
- Glazed eyes
- Lethargy
- Difficulty breathing
- Rapid heart rate
- Balance issues
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Collapse
If you suspect your cat is suffering from heatstroke, even mildly, it is best to put a cool (not cold) compress on your cat and take it to the vet at once.
How to Prevent Your Cat from Overheating
There are multiple ways to keep your cat from overheating in hot weather.
- Keep your pet indoors during the hottest days.
- Provide fresh water outdoors.
- Provide shade outdoors.
- Brush your cat to get rid of all of its winter coat if necessary.
- Never leave your cat in the car even in balmy weather.
- Have an emergency plan to stay cool if the power goes out.
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With two Maryland locations in both Baltimore and Pasadena, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131 or 410-793-7670! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!